Aventuras gráficas para PC

The Curse of Monkey Island
The Curse of Monkey Island PC 1997 ver ficha
The Dark Eye: Chains of Satinav
The Dark Eye: Chains of Satinav PC, Macintosh 2012 ver ficha
The Dig
The Dig PC, Macintosh 1995 ver ficha
The Legend of Kyrandia - Libro 1: Fable & fiends
The Legend of Kyrandia - Libro 1: Fable & fiends PC, Amiga, Macintosh 1992 ver ficha
The Legend of Kyrandia - Libro 2: The hand of Fate
The Legend of Kyrandia - Libro 2: The hand of Fate PC, Amiga, Macintosh 1993 ver ficha
The Legend of Kyrandia - Libro 3: Malcolm's Revenge
The Legend of Kyrandia - Libro 3: Malcolm's Revenge PC, Amiga, Macintosh 1994 ver ficha

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